Wednesday, November 23, 2011

First blog post!

So here I am, 2 in the morning, and I decide to start a blog. Not out of the ordinary at all...I mean my best work does come late at night anyways! I've done a lot of crafts and a LOT of baking in my loads of free time lately (thank you non production days at work!) and I really have nothing to show for it except to say "hey guys I baked a crap ton of cookies tonight!" on my facebook page so a blog was in my best interest.

I was a busy, busy gal tonight. Started off by baking a good 3 dozen cookies (except...I cheated and made break and bakes) and 7 loaves of pumpkin bread (all from scratch!) for thanksgiving. The cookies of course turned out amazing and the bread even BETTER! Man, I sure do know how to whip up a good batch of bread. :) I guess the culinary training paid off.

After this I think it's a good idea to start a project I found on with some toilet paper rolls I had saved. The project is making jewelry pendants out of them, cardstock and dimensional magic. Really fun and VERY cheap to do!! The dimensional magic is all I had to buy and that was $5.47 at hobby lobby ($3.29 after my 40% off coupon was applied)..everything else is pretty much on hand!

Right now I'm waiting for the dimensional magic to dry and then I will post pictures and tell how they turned out. 

I've been reading a lot of blogs lately and have turned my interest toward recycled jewelry...I'm very excited on sharing some ideas I have in the future! And don't worry, if it's not an idea someone else has come up with..I will be posting tutorials on how to make them! 

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